Technology Enabled Services

The MCP Technology Partner Network enables you to experience the latest in technology, services and solutions.

We offer technology integration through partnerships with leading OEMs to bring advanced mail and print automation, document capture technology and software solutions to the marketplace. Our Technology Partner Network (TPN) brings extraordinary business value for our customers who want independent, unbiased, and objective advice on today’s best-in-class applications and systems.


MCP’s TPN is comprised of leading providers who deliver a wide range of hardware and software technologies, digital platform applications, and subject matter consultants in process management, document capture, records and information management, and facilities and office administrative services.

A picture of some automation icons on the wall.

MCP Technology integration Systems

  • Digital Mail Platform
  • Automated Mail Processing Systems
  • Inbound Tracking and Accounting Systems
  • Document Capture Software
  • Inbound Mail Biohazard Screening & Package X-ray Systems
  • Smart Lockers & Day Lockers
  • Production Print Systems
  • Production Mail and Print Processing
  • Records and Information Management Software
  • Enterprise Content Management Software
  • Work Management Platforms
A person standing in front of a blue background with gdpr written on it.

Information Lifecycle Governance

MCP can help you to assume full control over the lifecycle of paper and electronic documents within each process.

  • Identify and manage internal and external content sources
  • Categorize collected data and determine infrastructure requirements for your business processes.
A man is holding a tablet and pointing to the word automation.

Digital Transformation

MCP can lead your journey by creating a roadmap for digital transformation in your organization.

  • Consulting and Implementation solutions
  • Digital Mail
  • Document Capture
  • Intelligent Records management (IRM)

Digital Mailroom Service

MCP’s Digital Mailroom Service replaces traditional time-consuming processes of manual sorting, and physical route delivery with transformative document capture, intelligent data extraction and instant low-cost mail delivery resulting in greater access to your critical business information. Our platforms are part of a broader 8-step Governance Model designed to improve digital workflows while supporting corporate policies for privacy and compliance.

Benefits of Digital Services

A blue line graph with an arrow going down.

Reduce operating costs

A computer monitor with a document on it.

Improve control over document processes

A blue and white sign with an image of a paper

Eliminate duplicate or lost documents

A blue icon of an open padlock and paper.

Increase document security and compliance by converting your physical documents into digital formats

A blue and white arrow pointing to the right.

Convert and share documents across the enterprise for distribution to departments and individuals

A group of people with speech bubbles in the middle.

Speeds business communications by shifting from manual ‘mail’ processes to digital processes

Digitize documents and physical mail.

From standard size documents to large formats, MCP specializes in medium to high volume scanning in color or black and white up to 44 inches wide or larger for banner printing. You can trust MCP as an experienced service provider to deliver high quality results.

MCP Technology Partner Network (TPN)

Our Digital Mailroom Service digitizes information from all communication sources using advanced document capture and content management platforms, scanner hardware and intelligent capture applications from the MCP Technology Partner Network (TPN), which include Fujitsu PaperStream, SharePoint, Epson and more than 20 leading OEMs, resellers, and distributors.

MCP® Digital Services Platform:

A person is typing on a laptop with icons floating around.

Digital Mail Service

Document capture and intelligent information processing from multiple (USPS, FedEx, and UPS letters, etc.) correspondence sources. Scanner capture hardware that scans inbound physical mail and capture software that receives digital documents.

Document Scanning

processing capacity. Whether your project is large or small, you can trust MCP to deliver high-quality capture, storage, and distribution of documents in the format you need and, in the timeframe, you need it.

Records Management

Manage all facets of the document lifecycle including hardware and software platforms for document capture, hard copy and electronic document storage, access, retrieval, and retention of documents.

Professional Services

Turnkey consulting and project management solutions include initial assessments, due diligence discovery, expert consultation, systems recommendations and integration, and configuration of the solution.

Managed Services Expertise

Let MCP Workplace Solutions manage the entire operation, including highly skilled people, business process management, and the integration of advanced digital technology that transform and optimize your business.